im体育APP’s advanced Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) 和 modeling services support product development, 服务条件模拟, 优化设计, 寿命预测, 服务适应性, 以及失效分析.  Our experts work with traditional testing services to analyze the strength of complex structures 和 systems, 确定组件行为, 和 accurately predict how products will react under structural 和 thermal load. 



FEA uses a series of mathematical models to simulate the response or behaviour a part or set of parts will have under a previously defined set of conditions.



The Finite im体育APP Method can be used to solve any of the equations of engineering continuum mechanics, 包括流体流量, 声学, 和电磁学, but is most commonly used to solve the equations of stress 和 strain.  我们使用静力有限元法求解强度和完整性, 和动态有限元分析求解冲击, 爆炸, 和渗透.



Finite im体育APP Analysis has been in use since the 1960s 和 is a well-established way of accurately calculating the stresses in strains in structures under load.  Modern computational power now allows us to consider complex designs 和 combinations of materials under a huge range of different load conditions.  现在可以安全快速地检查多种故障情况, 没有全尺寸测试设备的费用.




  • We use it to calculate the stresses in highly-loaded components in the 航空航天, 核, 国防, 医疗, 识别化学和海上工业的失败风险.
  • Extended FEA methods can then be used to explicitly model the growth of cracks to predict the time to failure.
  • We use dynamic FEA to study situations such as the failure of a 气体 turbine blade 和 whether it will penetrate the protective casing around the engine.
  • 通过与声学或流体求解器耦合, we can calculate the stresses caused by high-frequency vibrations in chemical process systems, 因此它们的疲劳寿命.
  • We use the same fundamental method to calculate the surface electropotential ofsubsea equipment to optimise the design of passive or active cathodic protection systems.



Our experts work extensively across all industries to help you underst和 both the structural 和 thermal performance of your products. 我们广泛的有限元分析服务包括:

  • 线性静态和动态应力分析
  • Non-linear analysis including material non-linearity, large deformation 和 contact
  • 有限元模态分析
  • 结构优化
  • 时变分析(蠕变、应力松弛)
  • Crack growth modeling (J-integral, cohesive zone, virtual crack closure technique)
  • 疲劳寿命和耐久性分析
  • 剩余寿命评估
  • 工程关键评估(ECA)服役适应性(FFS)
  • 的损伤容限 复合材料
  • Dynamic analysis, including frequency, vibration 和 r和om vibration
  • 冲击和高速率变形
  • 传热分析
  • 热分析
  • 电磁分析
  • 流体扩散或渗透
  • 有限元分析报告



We use this method to solve structural mechanics problems 和 评估服务适应性, 疲劳寿命, 失效分析,或进行设计优化. 除了, we also use it to solve problems in other fields of engineering 和 physical sciences involving heat transfer, 流体流动, 大众运输, 和电磁.


With our sophisticated simulation software that predicts product behavior, we can help you save time 和 material required for traditional testing 和 increase your confidence in test compliance.




Our finite element analysis experts regularly solve product failure issues through the investigation of CAD, 在职数据, 并结合材料数据进行详细分析. Our FEA teams work closely with physical testing experts to suggest solutions to your test failures 和 to validate simulation with physical testing.




im体育APP has over 30 years of experience in performing Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) testing 和 delivering advanced solutions to diverse industry sectors, 包括核, 航空航天, 发电, 能源, 国防, 医疗设备和化工工艺.

拥有最先进的产品检测设备 UK, 我们提供环境模拟, 耐久性骑自行车, 结构动力学程序, 机械测试也是一样. This makes us a single-source provider for your qualification testing needs.

im体育APP's 数字工程 team use the Finite im体育APP Method (FEA) to overcome a myriad of complex industrial problems. 我们用有限元分析来解决结构力学问题, 评估服务适应性, 疲劳寿命, 失效分析, 执行设计优化和更多.

Improving Emissions Performance Within Waste-to-heat Process 系统

A developer of a novel compact waste-to-heat process system needed help with minimizing the thermal stresses induced in the structure by the high-temperature pyrolysis processes used to treat the waste. The customer also wanted to maximize the environmental emission performance. im体育官方app下载


这个概念 数字双 can be thought of as a virtual representation of a physical product, engineering system or facility. 本文介绍了预测工程分析的作用, 除运行数据外, 在数字双胞胎中. 立即下载

Using Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) to Identify Delamination of Composites Materials

Delamination is an important factor to consider when testing composites, 尤其是和金属材料相比. The delamination of 复合材料 can be caused by high interlaminar stresses in conjunction with low through-thickness strength which puts 复合材料 at greater risk of failure. im体育官方app下载

Flow Induced Vibration Accelerating Fatigue Failure in Piping 系统s

流动诱发振动(FIV), 和 the related problems of pulsation 和 Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV), are induced by flow 和 pressure fluctuations in piping systems 和 can lead to accelerated fatigue failure if not properly identified 和 mitigated. im体育官方app下载

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