
石棉 FAQ #3 - 有哪些类型的石棉清除?




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了解我们的 从事专家

im体育APP的英国石棉国家客户经理, 罗斯Heeley has almost 20 years of experience in the asbestos industry. Starting his career in 2004 and completing all relevant BOHS P-Modules, Ross has become a highly respected multi-disciplined industry consultant.

在进行石棉清除工程前, 您必须首先评估该作品是否可获得许可, non-licensable, 或者通知的,不可许可的.


Licensable work with asbestos is higher risk and can only be conducted by a licensed contractor. 这些工程包括:

  • 绝缘松散,滞后,喷涂涂层
  • 松散的灰尘 & 碎片(严重污染)
  • 与绝缘板的重要工作


  • 只能由HSE许可的承包商进行
  • 向HSE提供14天的通知期 
  • 以及其他要求

涉及风险较小的项目(如零星的, 低强度, and less risk of exposure) may not require a licensed contractor. Your contractor will need the below to perform the work:



  • 保险
  • 工作计划
  • 风险评估
  • NNLW培训
  • 为场地工作人员提供具体的NNLW培训



  • 保险
  • 工作计划
  • 风险评估
  • NNLW培训
  • 通知(即时)
  • ASB NNLW1表格

Please note that asbestos awareness training does not mean your contractor is safe to work with asbestos.



石棉 removal is a lengthy process and should be planned for during any refurbishment or demolition project. Failure to plan for asbestos removal prior to the commencement of works can leave your project running behind schedule and at a higher cost. 在im体育APP, we can create a plan to do the work in phases or complete it to a strict deadline depending on your budget and timelines.


What are the typical removal project management tasks carried out?

  • 审查清除承包商的方法声明, 风险评估, 培训记录, 面部贴合测试结果, 体格检查, 等. to ensure compliance with regulations and client requirements.
  • 检查 and monitoring of equipment and site environment i.e. housekeeping, plant, and equipment (negative pressure units, decontamination units, and HVACs).
  • Monitoring and advising the asbestos removal contractor on their methods and techniques to achieve compliance with the specification, 适当的指导, 以及商定的工作标准.
  • Carry out audits of the removal contractors to check compliance with the Framework Client’s site safety procedures and guidelines and best practices.

All activities and inspections should be recorded in a database, 包括附件的检查和照片, 浪费的路线, 都柏林城市大学和, and copies of the Waste Carriers License and other documents.


im体育APP还可以提供哪些服务 石棉项目管理?

  • 石棉 removal specification services assess the risks and capture the preferred techniques for managing each asbestos-containing material within the context of the building works. Our consultants prepare the specification with our clients, 考虑到地点, 方法, and the extent of the actual asbestos removal activity which has been planned.
  • 与现场所有承包商合作, the specification will take into account all information and knowledge provided by your contractors.
  • 承包商审核/批准. A usually safe working environment can be directly affected by contractors that are engaged. Our contractor vetting service ensures that the suppliers you use minimize the risk associated with their work. 
  • Our selection process can be tailored to meet PAS91 建设 Pre-qualification Questionnaires to ensure that not only health and safety arrangements are considered but also financial, 平等的机会, 环境, 质量方面的评估.
  • 招标管理. Managing the tender process for the Licensed 石棉 Removal Contractor, our asbestos management consultants ensure complete compliance with any client procurement policies. 这包括招标管理, dealing with subsequent inquiries within the tender period, 管理承包商对工地的访问, 对收到的所有标书进行评估, 制作包括建议在内的投标报告, 及管理LARC的委任程序.
  • Tender scopes are agreed upon with the client prior to submitting to contractors and all contractors are usually invited to visit the site, where we discuss the scope/specification and clarify any queries. We then provide clients with a review and summary of the submissions, 并提供约会建议. 
  • When fulfilling the role of Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) under the Safety Health & Welfare at Work (建设 Regulations) (and the Principal Designer under the CDM 2015 regulations), we provide a completion pack that acts as the project health and safety file, including all records pertaining to the asbestos removal work. The project completion pack is delivered within 10 days of project completion.

As part of the four-stage clearance process conducted by our 环境 team, 利用我们ukas认可的实验室, the clearance testing procedure will be carried out in accordance with 石棉: The analyst’s guide for sampling, 分析, 和通关程序(2005)HSG248.

It is the sole responsibility of the asbestos removal contractor to ensure the cleanliness of the area in advance of the analysts performing the visual inspection (stage 2 of the 4-stage clearance procedure). 目视检查完成后, 石棉空气测试和监测 are required to obtain your clearance certificate, certifying that your building is safe to reoccupy.

我们的石棉专家随时准备为您提供帮助, 立即im体育APP.

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