

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles has changed many aspects of how new vehicles are tested, 通常需要新的设备和方法来产生准确的结果. im体育APP recently partnered with Moog to make specialized upgrades to a multi-axis shaker table, 从而满足测试电动汽车所需的参数. This case study was originally published by 汽车 测试 技术 International and has been shared here with permission from the publisher.


在汽车R的世界里&D, hydraulic simulation tables are a workhorse for performing tests on everything from what’s under a vehicle (for example, 变速箱和悬架)到舱内(例如, 座椅及头枕). 随着整车厂越来越多地发展电动汽车, engineers face new design challenges that experts 说 standard test and simulation equipment can’t handle.
“Auto industry simulation tables can typically reach 50Hz; but EV testing requires much higher frequencies, 最高150Hz,Kevin Oliverio说, 沃伦公司的液压部门经理, 密歇根im体育APP材料技术公司.

根据奥利维奥的说法, 大部分的振动测试都在, 说, 汽车悬架和部件在50赫兹左右开始滚动. 但电动汽车电池组件的门槛要高得多. 频率从50到150Hz, a test lab can simulate a capacitor’s ability to deal with 振动 as well as how well soldering bonds stand up. 高频测试, 最高150Hz, also enables automakers and battery designers to accurately see the rate of charge and discharge under all conditions. 这个级别的测试, 说Oliverio, enables feedback equivalent to what a vehicle’s battery would experience while a car is moving versus parked.

根据奥利维奥的说法, im体育APP began testing battery components seven years ago on a traditional simulation table for a large automotive OEM. The im体育APP team saw where the auto industry was heading and increased its testing capability by bringing another simulation table online. With the use of battery cyclers, im体育APP was able to measure a battery cell’s response over time. 这也促使im体育APP团队将其桌子封闭在一个环境室中, 包括灭火和通风. 随着汽车im体育平台app下载不断推动电动汽车的发展, im体育APP希望保持领先一步,并增加了高频测试.


im体育APP向Moog提出了高频电池测试的需求. im体育APP公司的要求是升级其现有的穆格多轴振动台, 或桅杆, which the motion-control company had installed several years ago at im体育APP’s Warren facility. Moog set about meeting im体育APP’s requirement by quickly developing a dual servo valve manifold upgrade, allowing the Moog MAST to achieve the higher frequency required to perform EV battery testing. im体育APP disassembled the hydraulic actuators on the table and shipped them to Moog for re-engineering. Moog modified the design, performed the upgrade, and reassembled and tested the actuators. 几周后, the team reinstalled the upgraded high-frequency table at im体育APP for use on a large, OEM订单.

“We looked at our existing system at im体育APP in terms of acceleration and displacement and worked with them to beat the performance specifications,——拉里·罗杰斯, 穆格汽车测试副关键客户经理. “所有六个执行器都必须在速度和时间方面进行精确控制, and that’s a significant challenge when the table has to vibrate at 最高150Hz.”


升级后的, 高频Moog MAST可以测试车辆部件, 包括电池和电子产品, 用于振动和耐用性,并重现在试验场收集的数据. Underpinning Moog’s high-frequency shaker table is a six-leg hexapod (or Stewart platform), 该公司最初为飞行模拟器开发的是什么. The hexapod has two equilateral triangular frames set one above the other, offset at 30°. Each apex of the top triangle is connected to the two apexes below it on the lower triangle via Moog actuators. 穆格的工程师们设计的新表可以达到200Hz的频率. The battery packs going into some of the EVs on the market include as many as 2,500电池, 哪一个可以重达450公斤或更多. 高频Moog MAST包括一个测量2,300 by 2,000mm,执行器峰值力53kN, 哪个系统可以处理高达600公斤的系统有效载荷. 就像传统系统一样, im体育APP的Moog MAST有六个自由度, 在x轴上移动表格, y, z轴, 在所有三个(i)的旋转运动.e.(俯仰、横摇、偏航). 没有像im体育APP那样的模拟技术, 原始设备制造商缺乏电池测试的实时数据, Oliverio说, 所以他们从通用规范中提取.

“If a car or battery maker wants to know what happens to a vehicle’s battery cell when the driver goes from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, 我们使用新的Moog MAST来复制这一点,奥利韦里奥补充道. “该工作台在负载充足的情况下无谐振,最高可达150Hz.”


Oliverio说 im体育APP has combined the high-frequency table from Moog with the motion-control company’s test software and the Moog Test Controller to test EV battery packs in ways not possible until now. 带有测试控制器和功率谱密度分布图, Oliverio and his team can run a 振动 test on a large battery pack before the OEM puts the vehicle on the road to see what shakes loose. This enables im体育APP to get involved in the vehicle maker’s design and development process much earlier. The insight gained early in the process can then be applied to automobile specifications and use cases. Oliverio说 customers are now coming to im体育APP to take their testing a step further and replicate data they have collected from a proving ground or verify an EPA model with the new high-frequency shaker table.

“具有6DOF的实时复制, 特别是对于电池组, 下一个是, 大测试浪潮,奥利韦里奥补充道. 其他电动汽车制造商, 像特斯拉, 专注于机舱内的小玩意, 所以测试它的有效性是当务之急, 太.”

Oliverio说 one advantage of working with Moog to upgrade the table versus buying a completely new system was the cost, 另一个是工程技术. A new table would have been an order of magnitude more expensive than the engineering Moog provided in three weeks, 他指出. “We’re now running live battery-pack charging and discharging in an environmental system at 150Hz; there may be less than ten other locations in the world that can offer that,奥利维奥说. “我们正一头扎进电池im体育平台app下载, and high-frequency testing is getting us return customers and a line-up of new ones.”

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Find out how im体育APP's 振动 testing services help to make certain that the products we test for our customers will perform safely and as expected when in the field.


综合温度、海拔、湿度 & 振动测试

元件提供综合海拔,湿度,温度 & 振动 testing to meet test requirements and simulate real-world conditions.

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im体育APP and Rolls-Royce have joined forces in a unique collaboration to offer their 振动 services to a wide range of industries from aviation and automotive to rail and oil and 气体.



im体育APP provides multi-axial simulation table (MAST) testing for squeak and rattle, 振动, performance and durability testing of a broad range of vehicle components and assemblies.


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